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Changing ChatGPT Integration 2024!

Innovation is at the heart of everything we do at IdeaScale. Our business is to help others innovate – and so I take EXTREME pride in the fact that we’re an innovation company that actually innovates.

And let’s be candid, there’s lots of ways to innovate. From sitting in a room by yourself thinking, to whiteboarding, to hopping on a zoom call. But I thought – wait – AI is changing the world, why can’t it change the world of innovation. Internally, we’ve aggressively adopted AI and other technologies to improve our productivity as a team (this year alone, productivity is up >20% thanks to new tech internal tech adoption).

And so we wanted to help our clients achieve those same productivity gains in their innovation functions.

So I hopped on a plane, flew down to Bangladesh, where our chief architect lives, and began cooking up code with my team.

Our goal is simple in description – but devilishly difficult in execution – build an AI assistant that could dramatically and naturally improve a human being’s ability to brilliant.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Habib

    Very impressive and constructive decision for a start-up company.

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